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Obama 'must act now' on climate

"The planet will be in "huge trouble" unless Barack Obama makes strides in tackling climate change, says a leading scientist."

Category: Climate Change


Police make new mobile checks

Police forces are being equipped with a new generation of data extraction devices to accelerate the downloading of pictures, personal information and numbers from seized mobile phones.

Category: Communications


Hadron Collider relaunch delayed

"The Large Hadron Collider could be switched back on in September - a year after it shut down due to a malfunction and several months later than expected."

Category: Big Science


Australian bushfires: when two degrees is the difference between life and death

"Scientist Tim Flannery recalls the long, wet Victorian winters now replaced by a drier and dangerous climate"

Category: Climate Change


Quarter of UK homes to be offered a green makeover

"More than one in four homes in the UK will be offered a complete eco-makeover under ambitious plans expected to be announced this week to slash fuel bills and cut global warming pollution."

Displaying results 1461 to 1465 out of 2977